Friday 18 December 2009

My way of creation!

My logo. I have also used it on the front of my business card - tried to make it eye catching and demonstrates my style.

De Stijl

I was having a butchers through my old work from uni, year one to be precise, and came across a project about the art movement, De Stijl. We were put into a group even though we didn't really know one another. This gave us a chance to have a real graphic studio scenario - but luckily for me my group members were fab! We created a book, poster, logo lamp (which actually worked!).

A card for Claydon

Here is a business card I recently created for a musician, Claydon Connor. I did most of it by hand, with a little help from Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I try to keep away from the normal crappy style business cards, with one colour and no innovation. Hopefully this one is eye catching so Claydon will grab more attention and be remembered.


Flowti is a logo I created for any company really - I automatically think of Flowti Light, be it for a cake company, air balloon trips, or something of the equivalent. 

Some clever spark at Brandstack decided to let poor people like me, upload logo designs and maybe make some Dolla from it. Fingers crossed ay!

Thursday 17 December 2009

My first time!

Ok, here we go - my first blog woo! I will share with you silly stories and impressive images, also a little bit of what I'm doing every now and then! Hope it all goes well...